
This programme gets off to a flying start with the 3 day Being Business Intensive in Amsterdam which explores who you are Being.

During the program, we will go deeper into what it means to truly be yourself and what that means for your business.

Together, we will create a vision so full of life that you can't help but step into it.


You will go so far beyond who you think you are and play full-out and fearless, free to express your authentic self.  

You will take risks, you will lead, you will give up insecurities, limitations and worries.


You will take bold action, you will be liberated from old conditioning and beliefs, you will be playful, aligned with your authenticity, enabling you to create the results you wish to see in your business and your life.

"A fantastic opportunity to learn from everyone in the room and take time to slow down to focus on what’s most important to me moving forward."

It’s been a few months since the Being Business Program finished and in hindsight, that was the best business program I’ve invested in.

Not only I’ve achieved most of my goals for the 4 months ofthe program, but I also had the chance to meet other incredible people with whom I’ve been in touch ever since.  

To me, the program was a business incubator, helping me focus on what I wanted to create by covering so many angles, from businessstrategies to mindset, integrity, responsibility and action-taking, whilstnever losing the fact that we were there also to enjoy what we do.

Besides the high-quality masterclasses, the week-long retreat in Italy was the peak of this program. A fantastic opportunity to learn from everyone in the room and take time to slow down to focus on what’s most important to me moving forward.

My biggest takeaway for that week was to give myself permission to be unapologetically me, which impacted how I showed up in my business in the most positive way.


Leadership Coach & Entrepreneur


Only 12 spaces available
EUR, 4300


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