Create results from freedom and self expression


Moritz Lembert

I work closely with founders, individuals and corporations to support them create results that exceed what seems possible.  

More about Me


Through one-to-one coaching conversation, we tap into the creative potential of your mind and body, working together to uncover the infinite possibilities that are available to you, both in life and your business.  

By realising that the thoughts that you hold to be true, are nothing but made-up stories, you’re free to create and express what really matters to you.

Learn more about coaching

Past programs

Being Business Program

If you’re committed to transforming your business alongside other successful business owners who want to play a bigger game, book your place on the Being Business Programme.

You will not be the same person on completion of this programme as you were when you started, and your business is going to fly!

4-month online programme, kick-started with the Being Business Intensive in Vienna.

Are you committed to creating a successful business?

This program is sold out!

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Being Business Intensive | AMSTERDAM | 17-19th may 2024

This 3-day immersive experience is hosted alongside former Landmark Forum Leader, Ria Gijsbers. Together we explore who you are currently being in your life and your business and what needs to transform in your being in order to create the business you desire.

This program is sold out!

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