Being Business Intensive
7-9th February 2025

When it comes to mastering the realm of business, there is one thing that mostly stays unaddressed and out of focus. Your Expression.

In this 3-day intensive training you will discover your full self expression, see where you are playing small. You will discover the blind spots of your conditioned ways of operating and step into being the author of the story of your life.

Being self-expressed as a leader, owner, and manager is not a liability to the company but its biggest asset.

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Yes we talk about sharing, marketing, acquisition channels, enhancing your speaking skills, presentation skills, getting out there the newest leadership trend, the newest business strategy to get in front of people and so forth.

Yet when we talk about expression we do not mean any of that, but your unhindered ability to bring forth a way of being and acting that is aligned with what is true to you, with who you are and the impact you are committed to make.


Saying what needs to be said, speaking freely and creating a culture that has people want to show themself fully and authentically drives performance and it gives you the ability to live the life that not only works but yields real satisfaction!

So often we sell short when it comes to being raw and true.
We have adapted ways to not stir the water, not make too much noise, not be the loud kid, the one with the crazy ideas or the one who just expresses what no one else dares to say.

We are held back from disturbing others and talking more to ourselves than to the people out there. We are scared to lose our FACE, be found out or to be wrong.


Yet in a world where appearance and looking good takes us over by storm, people crave real authentic leaders. Human beings who are embodying what it means to be human and what it means to make a contribution with their work to what is their community, their family, their country, their society.

We don't need more people who are scared to invent and stand up, scared to play the games they really want to play.

We need people who are being fully expressed in all aspects of their lives.

Creating relationships that work, businesses that contribute, companies that people want to work at, teams that thrive, and having fun doing so.


the venue


Impact hub, vienna

The inspiring atmosphere offers space to connect, create, and simply be, surrounded by the vibrant energy of this unique place.

Meet your hosts


Moritz Lembert

Coach, Dancer, Choreographer & Manual therapist. Today Moritz incorporates his experience with the body and as a creative entrepreneur in his work with individuals and groups around the world.

"I am fascinated by the question: What drives our behaviour and how can we actually make alter it?"  

He has a deep passion for the human mind, how we function, and a diverse background in working with people. From 4 to 84 year old, he led workshops with individuals, groups, CEOs and people under challenging conditions as well as in sports and finance.

Moritz is trained in different forms of Coaching after ICF standards and other and has worked closely with with a diverse group of mentors and trainers. He is also trained in Dance, Shiatsu, Meditation, and has developed a unique way of accessing the body to increase performance. He dedicates himself to an ongoing process of development.

You can find out more about Moritz, meditation, and different forms of manual therapy. iPEC coaching training program accredited by ICF, including Core Energy Leadership and works with coaches such as: Jachym Jerie, Ankush Jain, Jessie Douglas, Dominic Scaffidi. He dedicates himself to an ongoing process of development.

You can find out more about Moritz here.

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Ria Bauhofer

Ria has been leading transformational programs for more than 30 years, working all over Europe, the US & Canada, Brazil, Mexico & Columbia. She has worked with about 150,000 people worldwide, from all walks of life, between the ages of 16 to 96. 

She is from a small town in the Netherlands, the oldest of 4 children. She is married (newly after the death of her husband of 29 years) and has 2 adult sons and 3 grandsons.  She lives partly in the South of France and partly in Amsterdam. She has lived in The Netherlands, Germany, Austria, Spain, Sweden, and the US.

Ria's story is one of resilience, grace, and the profound connection to personal growth and transformation.  Drawing from her extensive experience working with over 150,000 individuals globally, she highlights the significance of embracing self-expression and true freedom.  

Ria takes an unwavering stand for people to create a life they love to live without compromise.

Throughout her life, Ria emphasises the importance of authenticity, courage, and aligning with one's true being.

In all that she does, Ria explores the pivotal role of honesty, courage, and breaking through limitations to achieve personal breakthroughs and tangible results.


Sneak Peak

In this webinar, participants had the unique opportunity to bring an aspect of their lives they wished to transform. The session encouraged them to step outside the box of reason and embrace the unreasonable. Attendees explored how reason and conventional standards had been governing their lives, and together, they broke open the barriers that held them back.

Pricing section

Early bird:

Till 25th of September —
1300€ Excl. VAT

Second early bird:

Till December 1st —
1500€ Excl. VAT

Full price:

December 2nd onwards —
1700€ Excl. VAT

1 on 1 coaching possible upon request
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Join other entrepreneurs and leaders in their commitment to play full out and create a business that they are proud of by being who they truly can be.

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