Having is not freedom
September 5, 2024
If the having of things would have set you free, it would have done so by now.
It is curious to me that although I have experienced the truth of the statement above, I still get trapped in the illusion of having again and again.
The mind (an idea of a separate self, perpetuated through thoughts, sensations, and feelings), in my experience, finds new ways to get us out of here and into chasing the next attainment in an instant.
Never fully satisfied, never quite there. A momentary satisfaction that could be explained by the pleasure of taking off a tight shoe or peeing after holding it back for a bit too long.
Pleasureable? Yes.
Fulfilling? No.
When you have exhausted all the ways in which you try to get there, you, in the end, start to question the very thing that is always trying, always chasing, always convinced that the next thing will finally make life BETTER!
And a curious inquiry starts. If you notice this urge, this voice is telling you to GET IT! To MAKE IT! To HAVE IT!
Who is it that is aware of this movement, this voice, this urge?
That is the beginning of your path down the rabbit hole of existence.
A beautiful journey that who we think we are will not survive.