Creating a Business that Yields Satisfaction

October 5, 2024

Have you ever noticed that making money in itself is... how to say, not really anything?

If you don't have people to share what you created, what you create somehow doesn't really matter, does it?

I had quite a journey over last weekend as I sat in the course of Landmark, being challenged in my individuality and my thinking about myself, my business, and the people I serve.

On the weekend, we were presented with the fact that we, as we are, are never separate from others. You and I are only existing in relation to one another. Like really!

Before I get all philosophical and deep here, I want to open that conversation with you in relation to your business, success and actually making money.

See, when I speak to entrepreneurs, most of the conversations turn around themself: How can I? How will I? What's wrong with me? I need to be more...! Why can't I?

This is not only a phenomenon with entrepreneurs but all human beings. We are hyper-concerned with ourselves.

Yet, when we look at the great companies in the world (whatever you consider to be great, I will take a few examples that don't have to reflect your viewpoint but just get the point), we don't find the obsession with oneself at the core but rather an obsession with making a contribution.

The people we admire are not the ones saying, "I made my life all about me, my gain, my money, and doing whatever I wanted even if it wasn't great for others."

The people we are inspired by make their lives, their contribution to life about more than what they individually think and want, but instead start seeing themselves as a part of a whole.

Apple's credo is to obsess about the customer experience; Elon thought about the problems humans would face 20 years into the future, and Bryan Johnson asked himself what people 500 years from now would value.

When it comes to making your business exceptional, it can't evolve only around you because who needs to buy your product in the end? You?

Many times, we go around trying to fix something with us when the thing we could focus on instead is the people we want to impact and thinking about what serves them. That approach of being overly self-concerned doesn't create satisfaction.

Sharing with others and seeing yourself connected to others does.

Think about it. What are the moments you can think of in which you felt satisfied?

Were other people involved?

Was it about a contribution you made? Something you shared? A moment together?

Have a look and let me know.

As a possibility: Making your business about more than you creates a 'You' big enough to hold your problems and concerns lightly.

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