A Pandemic of Reason

October 5, 2024

"I am a reasonable person!"

"What's your reason for doing that?"

"Come On! Be reasonable!"

We live in a society that glorifies reason and undermines possibility.

I can't tell you how many times I have spoken with a client, and they had absolutely great reasons to justify not creating what they wanted, a reason to argue why it was difficult, why it doesn't work, and it all being totally reasonable!

Only to find out that what they based their reason on was false.

I don't want to make the point that reason doesn't work. I want to make the point that reason might be the very limit you have placed on your life without examining the basis of your reason.

If you have a look at this thing called reason, what do we find it bases itself on?

Did you look?

Take a minute.

I mean, really, look.

What did you find?

When I look at what I find, reason bases itself on is:

  • Assumptions: Something happened in the past, and I am now assuming it will happen again.
  • Believes: I came to conclude something about reality that could be based on an experience, something I was told (the earth is flat... Imagine how many people believed that not because it was so, but only because they woke up in a world that believed it to be so), what my parents said, my friends, an article...
  • Opinions: This is just what I think (we love to look at life as if we were the one and only human who has the reality stamp on the world, and there is nothing more valuable than our opinion).
  • Superstitions: Things that are so, like humans are, Americans are, Swiss people are, recruitment is, getting clients is... and so on. The difference between a superstition and a belief is that it is usually stated not as a belief but as a fact.

And if you have a closer look, you will find that all of what they are based on is the past.

Now, as I said, this is not to say: Dont have a reason!" but what about we open up the grip and glorification we have on it?

I once worked with a client, and that client wanted to make more money. We had a conversation, and what became clear was that they assumed that there was a limit to what you could charge in the profession they were in.

When examined, the reasons didn't hold true, and they ended up 3X their price and tripled their income in under 12 months. This didn't happens because they suddenly found the magic key to success; it happened because a new possibility, one in which they ended up free to act, emerged. If it wasn't true that people would only pay X, they could simply charge more and see what happened.

Now, was this person reasonable at first with working more, trying to get people to think that this was really different than anything else in the market? Efforting to be the exception and doing A LOT but not getting the results.

Yes, all reasonable, but no impact. Why? It was based on a false and limited perspective of reality.

One other quality of reason we could distinguish is that they seem very real to us; they dont seem like a reason, something made up, but like how things are. How do we know them to be? What do we conclude, hear, or see? "For sure!"

As long as we have an unexamined relationship with our reasons, they control us and do not allow us to really get anything new, fresh, or creative.

To put it in the words of Martin Heidegger:

"Thinking only begins at the point where we have come to know that Reason, glorified for centuries, is the most obstinate adversary of thinking."

Real creation doesn't come out of reason. Great inventions dont come out of reason. Transformation doesn't happen through reasoning.

Your breakthrough in your business will not come out of all you already know; otherwise, you would have it already.

Powerful shifts, as I came to see, happen when we step into the space of not knowing and going anyway, putting our reasons aside and having the courage to be reasonable.

Have a look. What's really stopping you from creating what you want?

A bunch of reasons?

We humans have changed what is true a million times and what we today know to be so will very likely be different 100 years from now.

What would happen if you gave up your reason for not going for it and instead, you just went?

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